The Logophile


logophile (law-go-file) noun. a lover of words.

The Logophile loves words the way a puppy loves its food,
consuming them with greedy gulps in blissful solitude. 
It gobbles up thesauruses and dictionaries too, 
collecting words like treasures to enrich its point of view. 

It stalks the stacks of libraries, devouring A to Z,
and savoring sweet synonyms and words like syzygy. 
If you succeed to find one, it’s quite safe to stop and chat— 
just be prepared to hear it peeping, “There’s a word for that.”



syzygy (siz-ih-gee) noun. an alignment of three celestial objects, such as the sun, the earth, and either the moon or a planet.

“Endangered Beasties Meter” with needle pointing to “Near Threatened” status.

Beastly Bearings

Track our beastly word sightings!


Illustrations by Kaz Windness and David Deen

Where would you look for a logophile?
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The Bathybic