The Peripatetic


(per-uh-puh-tet-ik) noun. one who spends their time wandering.


The Peripatetic has finely-tuned ears
that hark to a marching song only she hears.
Her bones are beset with the impulse to wander
summits and pathways forever beyond her.


Impelled by a longing from deep in her soul,
she’s bound on a quest with a nebulous goal.
No matter how stunning or distant the shore,
she’ll never stop wandering, searching for more.



nebulous (neb-yuh-luhs) adjective. hazy, vague, indistinct, or confused.

“Endangered Beasties Meter” with needle pointing to “Near Threatened” status.

Beastly Bearings

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Illustrated by Heather Brockman-Lee


Using their names gives beastly words life!

Where would you look for a peripatetic? Can you use its name in a sentence or a rhyme of your own? What else does this word make you think of? Leave a comment below!


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The Bathybic